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Please be aware that the new telephone system that has been installed at Newport Surgery records telephone calls. The recordings are for staff training and patient safety reasons.


GDPR - How we use your information

GDPR - Data controller details

GDPR - How we use your medical records

GDPR - Subject access requests

GDPR - What is GDPR?

Have your say - join our Patient Group

Care Quality Commission - read our latest inspection report

Young Persons Guide to Accessing Services

UTI Protocol 

 If you have a UTI please check our protocol


If you are leaving a sample please see reception.  We now require a short form to be completed and the sample to be placed in a bag provided by 3pm

You will no longer be able to leave any samples in Room 10; thank you for your co-operation.


Do you want to lose weight and get fitter for free?


As a patient of this surgery, we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to take part in an award winning effective weight management programme delivered by ACE Lifestyle.

Are you concerned about your weight?

Being overweight increases your risk of a range of health problems such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Osteoarthritis

If you have been diagnosed with one of these conditions, losing weight and getting fitter can help improve your condition and reduce health risks.


What does it involve?

My Weight Matters is a 12 week programme combining dietary advice, physical activity and tips to help you gain control. There are structured weekly guides covering a range of topics and you will be asked to keep a regular food diary and set yourself achievable goals, which help you to work towards making changes to your lifestyle and maintain them for the future.

How can I take part?


Simply call the Weight Management helpline on 0800 022 4524 (option 3) and you will talk to a specialist weight management practitioner who will assess your needs, offer a range of options and will help you find one that is convenient and suitable for you, this may be:

  • One to one sessions in a community setting near you
  • Completing the programme with support from a weight management practitioner over the telephone. Already very popular with people who are busy working, short of time or can’t leave the house easily.
  • Taking part in the programme with support from a local delivery partner, at your local leisure centre for example
  • Attending a one day workshop, ideal for those who can’t commit to ongoing appointments
  • Completing the programme online using our downloadable resources.                           


Is a highly successful programme that has been running in Essex for over 7 years, is based on NHS best practice with proven long-term outcomes.

There is NO CHARGE to participate in the programme, but we do ask that you are motivated and ready to make changes.

For more information and to get started simply phone the weight management helpline:

0800 022 4524 (option 3)


Alternatively you can register on line by visiting our website:

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